Check out my first website designed and created by yours truly :)
In my senior year of high school, I was assigned to make a website which was my first exposure to writing code. It gave me a hunger to learn more, and I took the first chance I could in my second year of college by taking an intro class to java and coding history. And the rest is, well, history :)
Unfortunately, because this was created so early and as a simple assignment, the website does not work for mobile as well as I would like, and at the time I don’t intend to add that functionality to the website. Thank you for understanding.
As a side note/friendly reminder, this was put together by the high school version of me and didn’t have great taste in some areas. I have made some adjustments, fixes, or updates but don’t plan to update it further. I thought this was a great way to showcase my work at a younger age and is a glimpse into some of my more relevant interests in my penultimate year of college. This serves more as a time-capsule than it does a reflection of myself as I have likely grown and changed since this website was last updated.
My First Website