Brock Kaess

RL Clips

The following are some of my best plays from fakes and doubles to demos and whacky hits with some funny clips sprinkled in as well. I’ve got plenty of clips for you to enjoy or laugh at if you have the time :) I would embed the videos for you to watch more conveniently but with as many clips as there are they take an unkown amount of time to load. So instead I have provided links to the videos themselves which I’m sure you’ll find to be of more quality and enjoyment.

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

Clip 4

Clip 5

Clip 6

Clip 7

Clip 8

Clip 9

Clip 10

Clip 11

Clip 12

Clip 13

Clip 14

Clip 15

Clip 16

Clip 17

Clip 18

Clip 19