In college I took MATH360 which was Mathematics of Information Security. In it we learned a lot of intro basics about cryptography and encryption. In class we were allowed to use anything we could code… thank goodness that was my major! Unfortunately, I struggled a bit trying to make methods and functions that would help me on the material when I first attempted to write the code in C++. We were dealing with such large numbers that 64 signed bits was not enough to represent them, and in C++ you must specify unsigned variables and then I had to make them of type Long Long (LL). Having ULL (unsigned long long) everywhere made for long and unreadable code, so I switched to the less verbose and more intuitive python. This worked 98% of the time. Only a few instances where my calculations, or the numbers we were dealing with, were still too big for my coding abilities and language experience.
Below is the code I used to answer many questions in MATH 360. It is somewhat long and messy because I had more important projects to complete. If I could redo it, I would have the system prompt the user for input asking which type of problem they wanted to solve and then what numbers they had in correspondence to which variables are needed. Instead, I used a switch statement to print out which problem I was working on and hard coded values and statements into each section to send numbers to a function. Some important functions available include zero-knowledge proofs, RSA encryption, what we called PowMod (Taking a number to a power and taking the modulus of it), Primality tests: Miller Rabbin, Solovoy-Strassen, Fermat Witness, and working with binary finite fields.
Sidenote: Due to number size constraints a few of these were done through sage on cocalc. This will be noted above the code highlighting What environment/language the code was done in.
Below is code that belongs to me that I used to help me on assignments, it was only turned in to show work and NOT for a grade. Again, this code was not assigned/required/or otherwise needed. The professor would even let us go over code together in class to do problems. They currently are not shown due to school and moral policy to not share code as a student. I will keep their descriptions available to understand what I have accomplished, but the code will not be released until either
It may be possible for you to request to see the code yourself as someone not attending CSU, looking to hire me, or a friend looking to satisfy your curiosity. Thank you for understanding :)
import math
from functools import reduce
# Run with python3
# # Problem 1
# p = 31; a = 7
# ai = pow(a, 0)
# mod = ai % p
# for i in range(p - 1):
# i=i+1
# ai = pow(a, i)
# mod = ai % p
# if not i % 2 == 0:
# if not i % 3 == 0:
# if not i % 5 == 0:
# print(i, mod)
# # Problem 4
# mod = 0
# for i in range(991):
# mod = pow(6, i) % 991
# if mod == 687:
# print("k =",i, "| 6^k % 991 =",mod)
# Computes the Greatest Common Divisor between two numbers
def gcd(a, b):
# Everything divides 0
if a == 0:
return b
if b == 0:
return a
# Base case
if a == b:
return a
# a is greater
if a > b:
return gcd(a - b, b)
return gcd(a, b - a)
# Computes Least Common Multiple between two numbers
def lcm(a, b):
return (a * b) / gcd(a, b)
# a = base, n = exponent, b = constant, m = mod
# Task is to compute a^n % m for a large number n
def PowMod(a, n, b, m):
if n == 0:
return b % m
elif n == 1:
return (a * b) % m
elif n % 2 == 0:
return PowMod((a * a) % m, (n / 2), b, m)
return PowMod(a, n - 1, (a * b) % m, m)
# Test if element a is congruent to 1 % p
def congOne(a, p):
return PowMod(a, p, 1, p + 1) == 1
# Computes all primitive elements mod p
def peMod(p, a):
ai = 1; i = 1; mod = ai % p
for i in range(p):
ai = pow(a, i)
mod = ai % p
print(i, "->", mod)
# returns true if p is most likely prime
def fermatWitnessTest(p):
a = 5
for a in range(2, p):
if congOne(a, p - 1):
print("p is definitively not prime.")
return False
print("Test failed with int ->", a)
print("Test failed for all a; p is PROBABLY prime.")
return True
def testStop(b, n):
if b == n - 1:
print("STOP: Test inconclusive. -1 mod.")
return False
elif b == 1:
print("STOP: Number is not prime.")
return False
return True
# Prime test
def millerRabin(n, a):
s = 0; m = n - 1
if gcd(n, a) != 1:
print("Failure, n is not prime!")
return False
while m % 2 == 0:
s += 1; m /= 2
b = pow(a, m)
bmod = b % n
# print("s:", s)
# print("m:", m)
# print("a:", a)
# print("b:", b)
# print("b0:", bmod)
if not testStop(bmod,n):
return False
for i in range(s):
b = pow(bmod, 2)
bmod = b % n
# print("b", i + 1, ": ", bmod, sep = "")
if not testStop(bmod, n):
return False
print("Test is inconclusive.")
return True
# Works the same as ORing the bits
def polyAdd(a, b):
return a | b
# constants used in the multGF2 function
mask1 = mask2 = polyred = None
def setGF2(degree, irPoly):
"""Define parameters of binary finite field GF(2^m)/g(x)
- degree: extension degree of binary field
- irPoly: coefficients of irreducible polynomial g(x)
global mask1, mask2, polyred
mask1 = mask2 = 1 << degree
mask2 -= 1
if sum(irPoly) <= len(irPoly):
polyred = reduce(lambda x, y: (x << 1) + y, irPoly[1:])
polyred = poly2Int(irPoly[1:])
def multGF2(p1, p2):
"""Multiply two polynomials in GF(2^m)/g(x)"""
p = 0
while p2:
if p2 & 1:
p ^= p1
p1 <<= 1
if p1 & mask1:
p1 ^= polyred
p2 >>= 1
return p & mask2
def polyExp(p1, p2):
p = p1
for i in range(p2):
p = multGF2(p, p1)
return p
def poly2Int(hdPoly):
"""Convert a "high-degree" polynomial into a "big" integer"""
bigInt = 0
for exp in hdPoly:
bigInt += 1 << exp
return bigInt
def i2P(sInt):
"""Convert a "small" integer into a "low-degree" polynomial"""
return [(sInt >> i) & 1 for i in reversed(range(sInt.bit_length()))]
# Class fermat
def fermatFactor(n):
l = []
for y in range(1,21):
x = (n + y**2)**0.5
if x - int(x) == 0:
item = (y,(n + y**2)**0.5)
return l
# Test if element x^2 is congruent to y^2 % n
def cong(x, y, n):
print(y, n, x)
print(pow(y, 2) % n)
return (pow(y, 2) % n) == pow(x, 2)
# mod squares
def squareFactorEqCall(n):
x = (n - 1) / 2
l = []
for y in range(int(x) + 1):
l.append(y**2 % n)
return l
# mod squares
def squareFactor(n):
x = (n - 1) #/ 2
l = []
for y in range(int(x) + 1):
z = (y, y**2 % n)
return l
# HW2 Problem 3
def squareEq(n):
l = []
l2 = squareFactorEqCall(n)
for x in range(n):
z = ((x**3) + (5*x) + 2) % n
if z in l2:
w = (x, z)
return l
def legendre(a, n):
assert(n > a > 0 and n%2 == 1)
t = 1
while a != 0:
while a % 2 == 0:
a /= 2
r = n % 8
if r == 3 or r == 5:
t = -t
a, n = n, a
if a % 4 == n % 4 == 3:
t = -t
a %= n
if n == 1:
return t
return 0
def evalZero(a):
return a == 0
def evalOne(a):
return a == 1
def modulo(a, p):
return a >= p
# Alice and Bob's Zero Knowledge Proof
# n and x are stationary, y is given to Bob from Alice,
# Bob responds with either 0 or 1 and alice will respond with
# a z for bob to compare and either accept or reject.
# If b = 0, check if z^2 is congruent to y % n
# If b = 1, check if z^2 = xy % n
def zeroProof(n, x, y, b, z):
if(b == 0):
return "Bob Accepts." if ((pow(z,2)) % n) == (y % n) else "Bob Rejects."
elif(b == 1):
return "Bob Accepts." if ((pow(z,2)) % n) == ((x * y) % n) else "Bob Rejects."
def SolovayStrassen():
def sqrt():
i = 11
if i == -1:
print("Waiting for directions...")
if i == 0:
print("PowMod:", PowMod(40513610, 32559247, 1, 62251979))
elif i == 1:
print("gcd:", gcd(66,81))
elif i == 2:
print("lcm:", lcm(108,84))
elif i == 3:
print("peMod:", peMod(31, 7))
elif i == 4:
print("fermatWitnessTest:", fermatWitnessTest(35))
elif i == 5:
print("millerRabin:", millerRabin(561, 2))
elif i == 6:
print("Polynomial addition:", polyAdd(0b1010, 0b1100))
elif i == 7:
# Set binary field to 2^4 -> x^4 + x^3 + 1 == 0b11001
setGF2(4, i2P(0b11001))
# Evaluate (number * number) to get the remainder after division
print("9 + 13 = ", polyAdd(0b1001, 0b1101))
print("9 * 13 = ", multGF2(0b1001, 0b1101))
elif i == 8:
print("Fermat Factor", fermatFactor(295927))
elif i == 9:
# print("Square Mod Factor:", squareFactor(13))
# print("Problem 4C:\n", squareFactor(41))
print("Problem 4C:\n", squareFactor(21))
elif i == 10:
print("HW3 problem 2:", squareEq(13))
elif i == 11:
symbol = legendre(41, 79)
print("Legendre symbol = ", symbol, ", so then", sep = '')
if symbol == 0: print("p divides a")
if symbol == 1: print("a is a nonzero square mod p")
if symbol == -1: print("a is not a square mod p")
elif i == 12:
# zeroProof(n, x, y, b, z)
print("Alice and Bob:")
n = 58014043
x = 18059241
print(zeroProof(n, x, 3965911, 0, 18763))
print(zeroProof(n, x, 48963613, 1, 32270779))
print(zeroProof(n, x, 8302702, 1, 767595))
print(zeroProof(n, x, 50014686, 0, 976657))
# print("\nProblem 3A:")
# # If b = 0, check if z^2 is congruent to y % n
# # If b = 1, check if z^2 = xy % n
# print(zeroProof(58014043, 18059241, 100000000, 0, 10000))
# print(zeroProof(58014043, 18059241, 12, 1, 34))
# print(zeroProof(58014043, 18059241, 12, 1, 34))
# print(zeroProof(58014043, 18059241, 12, 0, 34))
elif i == 13:
n = 6509
a = 17
x = gcd(a, n)
print("gcd of", a, "and", n, "is x:", x)
w = PowMod(a, (n - 1) / 2, 1, n)
print("w from PowMod:", w)
y = legendre(x, n)
print("legendre of", x, "and", n, "y:", y)
print("x % n:", x % n, "\ny % n:", y % n)
print("SolovayStrassen:", SolovayStrassen())
#RSA - Example
p = 71; q = 59; n = p*q; e = 723; d = inverse_mod(e,(p-1)*(q-1));
p1 = 809; p2 = 2008; p3 = 518; p4 = 5;
c1 = p1^e % n; c2 = p2^e % n; c3 = p3^e % n; c4 = p4^e % n;
q1 = c1^d % n; q2 = c2^d % n; q3 = c3^d % n; q4 = c4^d % n;
(809, 2008, 518, 5)
#RSA - Challenge 1
n = 25330309; d = 1061;
c1 = 19019931; c2 = 1619805; c3 = 740498; c4 = 2671344;
q1 = c1^d % n; q2 = c2^d % n; q3 = c3^d % n; q4 = c4^d % n;
(31805, 11303, 80505, 1905)
#RSA - Challenge 2
n = 59264263; e = 2909; d = n * prod([1-1/p for p in prime_divisors(n)]);
c1 = 35270141; c2 = 9642524; c3 = 49091707;
q1 = c1^d % n; q2 = c2^d % n; q3 = c3^d % n;
(1, 1, 1)
# Miller-Rabin
n = 14491; a = 2;
s = 0; m = n - 1; b = -1; bmod = -1;
while(m % 2 == 0):
s = s + 1;
m = m / 2;
b = pow(a, m);
bmod = b % n;
print("s: ", s);
print("m: ", m);
print("a: ", a);
# print("b: ", b);
print("b 0: ", bmod);
if(bmod == -1 or bmod == 1):
print("Fail 1: STOP test is inconclusive.")
for i in range(s):
b = pow(bmod, 2);
bmod = b % n;
print("b", i + 1, ": ", bmod);
if(bmod == n - 1):
print("Fail 2: STOP test is inconclusive. -1 mod");
if(bmod == 1):
print("Fail 3: STOP n is not prime.");
print("Fail 4: STOP test is inconclusive.");
s: 1
m: 7245
a: 2
b 0: 10448
b 1 : 1
Fail 3: STOP n is not prime.
Error in lines 16-25
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/cocalc/lib/python3.8/site-packages/smc_sagews/", line 1230, in execute
File "", line 10, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 26, in __call__
raise SystemExit(code)
SystemExit: 3