Brock Kaess


Brock Kaess

Hello! My name is Brock Kaess, and I am a software engineer specializing in machine learning and artificial intelligence with a minor in mathematics. I’m currently pursuing my bachelor’s in computer science at Colorado State University and will be graduating in Fall 2022. This website is all about me as a professional with a touch of personal insights and hobbies.

In summary I have a wide range of interests and hobbies. I’ve been interested in all things computer and technology related for as long as I can remember. I’m a smart home enthusiast and have been since I was 16 years old. I’ve put together projects with raspberry pi’s such as a pi-zero ad-blocker, Home Assistant, Homebridge, and Hoobs server setups. I also have front and back-end experience in web development. If I’m not spending my time working on tech or making sure my smart home routines aren’t perfectly dialed in then I’m probably enjoying my free time playing games (mostly Rocket League), listening to music, catching up on the latest shows, hanging out with friends, or going to do anything outdoors from fine dining and walking around the town with some tea too hiking trails in the mountains. I’m also a huge animal lover and don’t know where I would be without my best friend who has a whole page about her here.

I’m always looking to make new acquaintances and so I want to thank you for taking the time to look through my website and learn a little bit about me. If you would care to offer me the same opportunity or have any sort of questions, comments, or concerns then please don’t hesitate to reach out via email.